Sunday, March 2, 2025

New products from Sigma

 Christopher Frost reported from Japan about new products coming from Sigma, a new 300-600mm and 16-300 mm lenses and the new BF camera that we have covered before in this blog.

 He also shared the first review of the BF Camera that I have seen so far. Check what he has to say about this new camera. 

Would I buy the BF? No. In my opinion, the lack of buttons makes control difficult, requiring too many clicks to adjust settings. Additionally, the camera’s ergonomics are a concern for me. If this is your only camera, it might work for you, but if you own other mirrorless or DSLR cameras, switching to this one could be a frustrating experience.

Regarding the two new lenses: The 300-600mm is an interesting option for wildlife and sports photographers. While this range may provide excellent image quality, I find it somewhat restrictive—especially for photographers who switch between portraits and distant wildlife without changing lenses.

On the other hand, the 16-300mm looks like a perfect travel lens, though I wouldn’t expect it to deliver the same level of image quality as the 300-600mm. Between the two, I’m most excited about the 16-300mm. Unfortunately, neither of these lenses is available for Canon RF cameras yet.

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