Wednesday, December 18, 2024

R1 review by FStopper

 FStopper has published their review of the Canon R1 which you can read here

Their major complain, the 24 MP of this camera. And I ask, who needs more than 24 MP? And I ask them, are you planning to print billboard size banners or so? Otherwise, 24 MP is more than enough for 90 of the shooters out there. 

Compared to higher MP cameras, 24 MP images have manageable file sizes, making them easier to store, edit, and share without requiring excessive storage or powerful processing equipment. Images are easier to edit, especially on standard computers, as they don’t require the processing power and RAM needed for handling massive files from cameras with higher MP counts.

In short, a 24 MP camera strikes an excellent balance for amateur and professional photographers alike, delivering high-quality results without the trade-offs associated with either extremely high or very low resolutions.

If I have any complains about this camera is the price: $6300 before taxes. If anyone out there wants to donate one to me, for sure, I'm not going to complain about it's 24 MP.

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