Thursday, January 2, 2025

Please do not do this

I recently took this picture of somebody feeding gulls. 


Feeding gulls with crackers/bread is not advisable for several reasons:

Nutritional Deficiency: Bread and crackers, especially white bread, lacks essential nutrients that birds need. Feeding them bread can lead to malnutrition, as they may fill up on bread and neglect healthier, natural foods.

Health Problems:  A diet high in bread can cause health issues for birds, such as:
    -Angel wing in waterfowl, a deformity caused by malnutrition.
    -Digestive issues, as bread can ferment in their stomachs.

Dependency on Humans: Feeding birds like gulls can make them overly reliant on humans for food, disrupting their natural foraging behavior. It may also increase their aggressiveness towards humans or other birds as they compete for food.

Encouraging Aggressive Behavior: Gulls that associate humans with food may become more aggressive in seeking food, potentially leading to conflicts with people or other animals. In urban settings, this can contribute to nuisance behavior, such as scavenging or attacking food directly from people.

Environmental Impact: Feeding wildlife, including gulls, human food can disrupt local ecosystems. It may cause an increase in gull populations, which could lead to overcrowding, competition for natural food sources, and the spread of disease.

For these reasons, it's best to let gulls forage naturally and avoid feeding them crackers, bread or other inappropriate human foods.

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